Tag Archives: lutheran


Some of you might have wondered about my use of the word “unevangelical” in the subtitle of my soon-to-be published book. Others haven’t thought about it until this moment. In any event, I thought I’d develop the term just a … Continue reading

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The Blessings

There’s one thing I need to clear up before I actually post what I’m about to post.  Although I currently use a drawing of Martin Luther as my Facebook photo and tend to quote Luther on occasion, I am not … Continue reading

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“I had no idea the gospel was this wonderful…”

As some of you know, I was raised Lutheran. Although I haven’t attended a Lutheran church in 30 years other than to visit (for a number of reasons I won’t go into here), I am still a big fan of … Continue reading

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The Geek Gospel

Today over at one of my favorite Lutheran blogs, Pastoral Meanderings, Pastor Peters presents the Gospel as told by one of the youth in his church (the image is his, too): You see it’s like your computer.  Everything works fine … Continue reading

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