Tag Archives: Christianity


Some of you might have wondered about my use of the word “unevangelical” in the subtitle of my soon-to-be published book. Others haven’t thought about it until this moment. In any event, I thought I’d develop the term just a … Continue reading

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Embracing Uncertainty

I have a weather app on my phone that tells me things like, “Rain ending in 13 minutes.” and I get frustrated when it’s inaccurate. I realize that it’s a best guess based on known conditions, but still, I like … Continue reading

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Unboxing God – Coming this fall

I haven’t been posting much here lately as I’ve been distracted by other projects, including finishing work on my book Unboxing God–An Unevangelical Guide to Christianity, which is being published by W. Brand Publishing. The book is due out this … Continue reading

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Universal Salvation and Free Will

One of the questions that often comes up when discussing universal salvation – that is, the predestination of everyone for salvation – is that of free will: Does being saved without your permission, or even against your will, overrule the … Continue reading

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