It’s All About Me

MeI was born in a 3-walled log cabin and learned to read by the light of the fireplace. Oh, wait … that was someone else.

I was actually born and raised on a small farm outside of a very small town in northwestern Minnesota that’s only real claim to fame is appearing in the snow scenes of the movie Fargo.  It was a lot like growing up somewhere between Little House on the Prairie and Lake Woebegon. And, being from NW Minnesota, I was obviously raised Lutheran, a darn good thing to be raised as, you betcha.


I co-authored the book The Gospel Uncensored with Ken Blue. TGU explores Paul’s letter to the Galatians and addresses why what Paul said matters to the church today. You can check out the books website here. Or, you can just trust me and buy the book.

I am currently working on a new book tentatively titled UnBoxing God, which will be hated by many establishment folks but loved by others. Be in the latter group.


I have opinions on nearly everything, including politics, which I try not to write about too often. My ideas have changed over the years, as I’ve interacted with others and challenged my own beliefs. I’m more liberal than I used to be, but not wacko.  Theologically, I am perhaps best described as Pre-Augustine.  I tend to like theologians like NT Wright, Peter Enns, Brad Jerszak, Phillip Cary, and the late Robert Webber. Pete Enns is one of my current favorite authors, and am also a big fan of Nadia Bolz-Weber. I also have a respect for the Eastern Orthodox churches. I have a huge problem with Calvinism.

I have never stopped believing in grace and the three solas: sola gratia, sola fida, solus Chrisus, in context. You can read more about this in my new book when it’s available.

I believe strongly in the Gospel. I also believe strongly in the one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and the rest of the creed.


I have an extremely gorgeous wife, and three exceptionally talented children, a wonderful and talented daughter-in-law, and 2 beautiful grandchildren. I live in Oregon in a little green house on the edge of town where you can still see the Milky Way (when it’s not overcast).

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