Category Archives: Good News

Jonathan Edwards was a heretic

I have two words to say about Jonathan Edwards’ theology: Bull. Shit. Apparently Edwards hadn’t read 1 John: “…let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He … Continue reading

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I don’t know why me

(Is that proper English?)   I have a distinct memory of me walking around our property (somewhere between the square building in the photo and the larger rectangular building), acutely aware that God loved me unconditionally, and that He was … Continue reading

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It is coincidental that here, in mid-Lent, I have just finished reading my fourth book in a row on the atonement, besides listening to various sermons and lectures online. Continue reading

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Grace is still the thing

Recently I attended a local church service and heard a sermon on sex that was bad on so many levels–structurally, logically, factually, and theologically.  (The entire experience was redeemed by the worship band having done possibly the best arrangement of … Continue reading

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