Category Archives: Eldredge

Final thoughts on Eldredge

A few weeks ago I started writing some thoughts about John Eldredge’s Waking the Dead. Well, I’ve finally finished the book, and while I still think my criticisms are valid, my overall conclusion is that this is a very important … Continue reading

Posted in Eldredge, Spiritual stuff | 4 Comments

The Eldredge Chronicles

For some reason unknown to even me, I started posting some of the thoughts I have had as I’ve been reading John Eldredge’s Waking the Dead. It started, I guess, because I had already been thinking about some of these … Continue reading

Posted in Eldredge, Spiritual stuff | 3 Comments

The Great John Eldredge Debate

Well, my comments about John Eldredge’s “Waking the Dead” sparked some debate (beyond the comments that were posted). I think I was a bit misunderstood, at least on some points. I re-read my post, and have read a bit more … Continue reading

Posted in Eldredge, Spiritual stuff | 3 Comments

Crisis? What Crisis?

Okay, so I stole the title from an old Supertramp album… I started reading John Eldredge’s Waking the Dead. I had read the first chapter online some time ago and thought, “I want to read this!” So, I bought it, … Continue reading

Posted in Eldredge, Spiritual stuff | 2 Comments