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Tag Archives: fools
Another Romans 1:22 moment
Debunking Christianity, which occasionally has some good discussions, typically provides daily proof of Romans 1:22. Today is not exception, with this post, in which the author concludes his argument with “Therefore, it cannot be the nonbelievers’ fault for willfully choosing … Continue reading
Posted in Faith, Science & Doubt, Romans 1:22
Tagged atheism, Christianity, debunking, fools, Romans 1:22
Credo ut intelligam: an approach to modernism
Credo ut intelligam is Latin for “I believe so that I may understand,” St. Anselm’s famous quote, who also used the phrase fides quaerens intellectum, or “faith seeking understanding.” The full quote is actually, “Nor do I seek to understand … Continue reading
Posted in Epistemology, Faith, Science & Doubt, Philosophy, Romans 1:22
Tagged Anselm, Avalos, bible, Epistemology, faith, fools, understanding