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Tag Archives: reality
On the Impossibility of Mulltiple Universes and Realities
Since LOST, Fringe and Star Trek (not to mention Obamacare) have everybody talking about multiple universes and realities, I thought this post by Cornelius Hunter was timely (and besides, it’s a good read). It got me thinking: If there are … Continue reading
Posted in Faith, Science & Doubt, Humor and/or Sarcasm
Tagged alternate, cornelius hunter, fringe, humor, lost, reality, star trek, universe
Communion, reality, Plato’s Cave and parallel universes
While I am not nearly as fond of Plato as some, I think I can understand why many Christians hold to somewhat of a Platonic Idealism; the belief that “the other side” is more real than the physical world seems … Continue reading
Posted in Church, Faith, Science & Doubt, Philosophy
Tagged communion, parallel universe, philosphy, Plato, reality, sacraments, theology
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