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Tag Archives: old testament
Did Jesus repudiate Old Testament violence?
I tend to like Greg Boyd, even if his “open” theology puts him in many people’s “heretic” column. I have given away numerous copies of his Letters From a Skeptic (with a cautionary note about one reference to his “open” … Continue reading
Posted in Theological Musings
Tagged bible, Christianity, Greg Boyd, Jesus, new testament, old testament, pacifism, violence
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This is a follow-up to my last post, Atheists: Forget the Old Testament, in which I introduced the concept that the Old Testament paints an imperfect picture of God. The writer of Hebrews makes this point, as well as the … Continue reading
Posted in Theological Musings
Tagged exegesis, new testament, old testament, what would Jesus do, wwjd
Atheists: Forget the Old Testament
In response to a recent post, Jeff Carter comments that atheists like Bart Ehrman and Creationists are alike in that they are both literalists. He’s right – many atheists love to quote the Bible literally; (except when they are arguing … Continue reading
Posted in Faith, Science & Doubt, Theological Musings
Tagged atheists, bible, exegesis, fundamentalist, Jesus, knowing god, new testament, old testament, theology