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Tag Archives: Jesus
The Pre-Gospel
The first inkling we have that something big is coming down—the pre-gospel, if you will—comes from some angels, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke. First, an angel called Gabriel appears to a young girl named Mary, and gives her … Continue reading
The Kingdom is for Children
I’ve mentioned before that one of my favorite hymns is Children of the Heavenly Father, by Karolina W. Sandell-Berg: Children of the Heavenly Father Safely in His bosom gather Nestling bird nor star in heaven Such a refuge e’er was … Continue reading
So, what do you want from Christianity?
Here’s an interesting question: What do you want from Christianity? A long time ago I heard someone describing becoming a Christian as an act of “enlightened self-interest,” where we are motivated by what we hope to get out of it … Continue reading
When God Ran
My former pastor and continued friend, Ken Blue, calls the parable of the Prodigal Son The Greatest Story Ever Told. I am guessing that of all of Jesus’ parables, this one — found only in the Gospel of Luke (15:11-32) … Continue reading
Posted in This I know
Tagged father, god, good, grace, greatest, Jesus, love, parable, prodigal, son, story, This I know