Peter Hitchens: The Rage Against God

Peter Hitchens, well-known journalist, author and brother to outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens, has just written a book entitled The Rage Against God: How Atheism Led Me To Faith.   Here’s a short trailer:

And from the back cover:

With unflinching openness and intellectual honesty, Hitchens describes the personal loss and philosophical curiosity that led him to burn his Bible at prep school and embrace atheism in its place. From there, he traces his experience as a journalist in Soviet Moscow, and the critical observations that left him with more questions than answers, and more despair than hope for how to live a meaningful life. With first-hand insight into the blurring of the line between politics and the Church, Hitchens reveals the reasons why an honest assessment of Atheism cannot sustain disbelief in God. In the process, he provides hope for all believers who, in the words of T. S. Eliot, may discover ‘the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.’

This should prove interesting.

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4 Responses to Peter Hitchens: The Rage Against God

  1. Howard says:

    Good to see this. Peter Hitchens has always been a controversial and often refreshing voice in the public arena, clearly drawing from a defined perspective, so I would think this will be well worth a read.

  2. me says:

    Kurt, you’ll have to make your own coffee, and pretend it’s as good as what I’m drinking…
    (On my original blog design there was small print that said “coffee not provided.”)

  3. Steve Martin says:

    Very interesting, Alden.

    Thanks for the spotlight on P. Hitchens and his book.

  4. Kurt Spingath says:

    Sounds interesting, would like to read it. So, where’s the real good coffee?

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