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Category Archives: Humor and/or Sarcasm
The (Unadjusted) Gospel
I just heard that a bunch of pastors and theologians—Baptists and Calvinists by the look of them—met together this week to reaffirm the Gospel. I read through the site, but couldn’t find anything that tells me what exactly they were … Continue reading
Posted in Humor and/or Sarcasm, The Gospel Uncensored
Tagged baptist, gospel, lutherans, T4G2010, toast
On the Impossibility of Mulltiple Universes and Realities
Since LOST, Fringe and Star Trek (not to mention Obamacare) have everybody talking about multiple universes and realities, I thought this post by Cornelius Hunter was timely (and besides, it’s a good read). It got me thinking: If there are … Continue reading
Posted in Faith, Science & Doubt, Humor and/or Sarcasm
Tagged alternate, cornelius hunter, fringe, humor, lost, reality, star trek, universe
The Post Post
Today I was reading yet another blog post talking about post-evangelical Christianity, and I realized just how sick I am of things being “post.” All the time I’m hearing post-Christian, post-evangelical, post-conservative, postmodern, post-American, postnasal – I mean, what’s … Continue reading
Posted in Humor and/or Sarcasm, Random Thoughts
Tagged postal, postchristian, postevangelical, postmodern
I am “The Architect”
I am “The Architect” – at least according to Carl Jung and Isabel Myers-Briggs. I ran across an online Jung Typology Test, aka the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment. Being the test I took this time didn’t refer to Myers-Briggs, I’m … Continue reading