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Tag Archives: bible
The Ehrman Project
A number of well-known theologians, including folks such as D.A. Carson, Ben Witherington, Craig Evans, and Alvin Plantinga, have contributed video responses to many issues raised by Bart Ehrman (who I have mentioned before), to The Ehrman Project, a website … Continue reading
Posted in Faith, Science & Doubt
Tagged bible, ehrman, project, scholarship, youtube
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What do you believe about the Bible?
Faithful readers of this blog will know that I occasionally post articles about why you can believe and rely on the Bible, as well as criticize people like Bart Ehrman for making really stupid arguments to the contrary. That being … Continue reading
Posted in Random Thoughts, Theological Musings
Tagged bible, Biblical, inerrancy, inerrant
Rethinking Tradition and Sola Scriptura 2
In my last post, I discussed a few of the issues surrounding the concept of sola scriptura, that doctrinal authority is limited to that found in the Bible. I discussed that the doctrine has evolved from its original intent into … Continue reading
Posted in Church, Theological Musings
Tagged athanasius, authority, bible, council, eastern, evangelical, Luther, nicea, orthodox, polycarp, reformation, scriptura, scripture, sola, sola scriptura, tradition
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Rethinking Tradition and Sola Scriptura
Rethinking the Reformation concept of Sola Scriptura is a rather intimidating task, especially for someone who was raised Lutheran (and especially on Reformation Day!). Sola Scriptura – the principle that says that the sole authority of the Church rests in … Continue reading
Posted in Church, Theological Musings
Tagged bible, catholic, martin luther, orthodox, sola scriptura, theology, tradition