Over 300 disproofs of God’s existence

My Christmas gift to you, a link to a great site listing over 300 disproofs of God’s existence. These are both brilliant and hilarious, and many of them are heard more often than you’d think.

Now, on a more serious note: From the blog Heart, Mind, SoulĀ  Strength, a great little meditation on the Incarnation, entitled “Making it meaningful to be human.”

And, finally:

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5 Responses to Over 300 disproofs of God’s existence

  1. Thanks for the link / glad you enjoyed.

    I share your distress that so many Christians are closet (or not-so-closet) dualists. They don’t seem to “get” the incarnation …

    Take care & God bless

  2. me says:

    “There is nothing new under the sun…”

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Wow – those are convincing! Confirms my atheism for sure. But, they are strangely familiar. They are actually from an old list compiled by a pseudonymous ” Budokka,” from alt.atheism, the newsgroup. They were orginalluy comopiled in 1995 and were actually “arguments for the existence of God.” Whoever posted this, cleverly reversed the arguments as stupid atheist arguments.

    The tell tale signature is “Boatright’s argument.” John Boatwright (get it? Noah!) was a weird troll at alt.atheism who had some strange arguments involving the vapor canopy and the outer solar system. Google the name.

    These make much more sense if you read the originals.

  4. me says:

    Yes, I’m an unapologetic Carpenters fan…

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