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Category Archives: Webber
Idiotic Evangelicals (and some who aren’t)
The other day I was reading something online about the Manhattan Declaration, and saw a comment stating that many evangelicals are hesitant to sign the document because it has been endorsed by Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic leaders, and so … Continue reading
Posted in Church, Exploring the Twain, The Call, Uncategorized, Webber
Tagged catholic, eastern, evangelical, idiots, manhattan declaration, orthodox, roman
1 Comment
Do evangelicals really need a Manifesto?
I just read a post about the apparent failure of “The Evangelical Manifesto,” something I didn’t even know existed. I guess that would support the idea that it failed. I skimmed through the post and the Manifesto, and was left … Continue reading
Posted in Church, The Call, Webber
Tagged "Evangelical Manifesto", Church, ecclesiology, evangelical, manifesto, The Call, theology
Webber: The Divine Embrace 9: What now?
The final chapter in Webber’s The Divine Embrace is entitled Life Together, which is, of course, where all this ends, in church. One of my repeated critiques of a contemporary church experience is that it is essentially existential, focusing on the … Continue reading
Posted in Church, My Own Personal Religion, Reviews, Webber
Webber: The Divine Embrace 8: Everything must change
Some of you might recognize Everything must change as the title to a rather poor book by Brian McLaren which I reviewed some time back. While McLaren – in my opinion – failed miserably in laying out a case for why … Continue reading
Posted in Church, Reviews, Webber