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Category Archives: The Liturgy
A Tale of Two Churches
I went to two churches this morning, one at 9:00 and the other at 11. One was a typical contemporary evangelical service, not unlike many others I’ve been to over the years. The other was the Episcopal church I’ve been … Continue reading
Posted in Church, The Liturgy
Tagged Church, contrast, differences, Episcopal, evangelical, liturgical, sermon, worship
A Lutheran perspective on North American Christianity
From a recent sermon (Lutheran): … we need to recognize that the religious culture of North America is Evangelicalism. This culture has its roots first in Puritanism, which is basically Calvinistic, and secondarily in the great revival movements of the … Continue reading
Posted in Church, The Liturgy
Tagged Church, evangelical, gospel, liturgy, lutheran, mcluhan, worship
On attending church
To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood … Continue reading
Posted in Church, Spiritual stuff, The Liturgy
Tagged Church, Episcopal, forgiveness, grace, sin, worship
My Episcopal quandary
I find myself in the midst of a quandary. I have, over the past several months, fallen in love with a church service. Not a church, mind you, but the service. As I’ve mentioned in the past, last December I … Continue reading