Reviewers wanted

I am looking for a few good bloggers or old-fashioned print writers to review The Gospel Uncensored—How only grace leads to freedom. If you are such a blogger/writer and would like a free review copy, please e-mail me with your name and address and I’ll send you a copy.  If you know of such a person, please have them e-mail me.

All I ask is that you read it, publish a review somewhere, and if you would, post a review on amazon as well.

Please note that I have a limited number of promotional copies available, so if I run out before I get your request, I will send you a nice apology.

I am also interested in getting the book in the hands of key people—folks like Dobson, or Oprah, or perhaps your pastor.  If you have any connections, let me know, and I may be able to get a free book off to these folks as well.

Also, remember that there is also a free study guide available on, or available from the Kindle Store (for 99¢).

and for you non-bloggers…

And for those of you who don’t blog or write (much), if you’ve read the book, please consider going to and/or other online sellers and post a short review?  I’d really appreciate it!

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2 Responses to Reviewers wanted

  1. Steve Mercer says:

    Hi Alden,
    I would like to review your book, and would be honored if selected to do so! I would also commit to passing it on to a couple of pastors I know as I’m certain they’d like to read and review it as well.

  2. Steve Martin says:

    I’m not sure if I qualify, but if you have an extra copy for me I’l love to read it and post a review on my blog.

    I do have a friend/co-worker who attends Saddleback. He might be able to get it into the hands of Rick Warren (not at all sure about that), and not sure what a So. Baptist would make of it. But…you never know!

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