People are people so why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
So we’re different colours
And we’re different creeds
And different people have different needs ~Depeche Mode, “People are People”
There are a lot of things I don’t know and that I don’t understand. But, I try. Take, for instance, this patent’s story, published in the Washington Post:
It’s almost impossible to deny a person’s humanity after you’ve shared a cup of coffee with them. Most people in our lives, people all across the political spectrum, had never met a trans person before they met Henry. But after they spend a little time with her, learn a little more about her, not a single one would insist she use the boys’ bathroom.
The one thing we need to know about LGBTQ people is that they are… people. That’s pretty much it. People are different–I’m different, and you’re different. We all have different issues, different strengths, and different needs. Categorizing someone as a thing, which we’re doing when we relegate them to just a part of a certain group that we can dismiss or judge, is to completely disregard their individuality, and their humanity.
In the early days of this country (The United States), only white males had ALL of the rights afforded by the Constitution, and it didn’t even occur to those white males that women and blacks should have equal rights. “All men are created equal…” didn’t apply to those categories of beings that were of lesser status, which also included the Native Americans, which we nearly thingified out of existence.
200+ years later, most of America has matured to the point where women and non-whites are no longer thingified. However, while a minority, there are still far too many misogynists and racists still out there, and the rest of us will continue to stand up for true equality.
The New Frontier
True equality, however, applies to everyone. While you may have various views on homosexuality, bisexuality, intersexuality, transsexualism, etc., under the Constitution we should agree that equal rights are for everyone. Equal rights means that all lesser categories of humans have been done away with; there should be no thingification of people who for whatever reason don’t fall into neat categories.
I find the whole concept of classification to be an issue. For example, “upper class,” “lower class,” and “middle class” are Marxist terms. Who needs them? What do they do, except to make people compare themselves against others? And race–there is really only one race. Do we classify each other as Germanic or Scandinavian or whatever? The only real reason to classify people groups by our origins is so one group can thingify another group. People are people. Classes are not.
With regard to gender and sexuality, we are all individuals, and don’t all fall into neat categories. All humans fall somewhere on a spectrum of male-female traits. Many men lean toward the feminine in some areas, and many women have some masculine traits. And with regard to gender identity, there is also a spectrum, although a smaller percentage of people are non-cisgendered. That’s just the way it is. You can deny reality if you like, but that’s just Trumpism.
The bottom line is this: All people are people. We each have our own strengths and struggles. Some of us have issues that others of us have a difficult time relating to. Whenever possible, we should try to help people, rather than force them into some thingified category so we don’t have to deal with them. As the old song goes, “before you abuse, walk a mile in my shoes.” Or as the parent above wrote, “It’s almost impossible to deny a person’s humanity after you’ve shared a cup of coffee with them.”
GLBTQs are not non-people. They aren’t things, and they don’t belong to some less-then-fully-human category. They are full people under our Constitution and under God, and are entitled to all of the rights and privileges thereof.
People… ALL people… are people.