Next summer: The Cosmic Dance

Several years ago I read Gregory Boyd’s (and Edward Boyd’s) Letters From a Skeptic, and since then I’ve given out many copies of the book to friends and acquaintances who have questions about Christianity, or know someone who does. The book consists of correspondence between Gregory (a theology professor) and his father, Edward, who is a non-believer. It’s a great, non-threatening book for anyone to read, as nearly everyone will agree with at least one of the authors.

But, that’s all I’ve ever read of Gregory Boyd, until yesterday when I followed some links that let me to his blog, and from there to the Christus Victor Ministries page. Boyd is now Senior Pastor of some large church machine in St. Paul, MN. I’m not a megachurch fan, but as I read through his church’s website, I kind of liked it. Okay, enough background plugs.

Now, this upcoming book by Boyd & friends looks really interesting:

The Cosmic Dance

The site gives a brief explanation of the book as well a few sample pages. As I read through the short blurb about the book, which won’t be released for another year, it made me want to be one of Greg Boyd’s friends. Put this down on your calendar for next summer.

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