“Don’t Touch the Lord’s Anointed”

One of the first things I saw this morning was an e-mail update from a LinkedIn group I belong to discussing how to address issues with a certain well-known leader in the prosperity/faith movement. For whatever reason I clicked on the link and read some of the comments, and was shocked to see two or three people raising the “don’t touch the Lord’s anointed” defense.

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One Response to “Don’t Touch the Lord’s Anointed”

  1. The pain that this misnomer has been responsible for, particularly in the last thirty years, will only truly be revealed on the final day, when ‘teachers’ are judged for such folly – 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. I attended a church for a while where it was ‘sin’ to question the visionary message of the ‘Apostles’, no matter who got hurt in the process. Well, I’m merely a sinner saved by grace, so I spoke up and got thrown out – exiled from ‘covering’ – thankfully I knew my freedom was in Christ, not in such ‘apostleship’. The great men themselves were later found guilty of dubious use of funds and deported, but not before leaving a trail of damaged lives. Why do people fall for this ‘ex catherdra’ nonsense that is so contrary to the clear teaching of Christ regarding true servanthood in ministry? It really amounts to the man of lawlessness sitting in the temple of God, ‘declaring’ as if he was God – monstrous and dreadful. Thanks be to God for those who raise the Gospel against such poison.

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