Declaration in Defense of Science & Secularism

I just ran across an absolutely brilliant website, nearly as good as Landover Baptist’s site, for the Biological Research Institute for Theoretical Evolution Studies. It’s highly educational, and fun to read. I’ve bookmarked it.

Thinking that the Washington D.C. Center for Inquiry’s (why they have “Washington D.C.” in the name is beyond me) Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism was too soft, they’ve added additional language in blue. It’s worth reading, trust me. And, the statement is nearly as good if you ignore the blue.

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2 Responses to Declaration in Defense of Science & Secularism

  1. me says:

    Gee, you have an amazing grasp of the obvious. However, where you’re wrong is that it is not “another example of how hyper-religious buffoons lie, misrepresent, and use unethical and immoral practices to try to fool people.” It is, rather, an obvious parody of how evolutionist buffoons lie, misrepresent and use unethical and immoral practices to try to fool people.

    Lighten up… I can laugh at anti-Christian jokes….

  2. MQ says:

    The link to the “blue” text is to a pro-creationist Web site. It is a (poor) parody of what the Declaration actually stands for. It claims to be from the Brights, but avoids legal trouble by spelling the name “Brite.” Just ignore it. It’s just another example of how hyper-religious buffoons lie, misrepresent, and use unethical and immoral practices to try to fool people.

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