I am in the middle of reading Bishop N.T. Wright’s book Surprised by Hope, which deals with the doctrine of Heaven and what Wright calls “life after life after death.” It’s blowing the minds of some evangelicals who don’t like being told that Heaven isn’t necessarily the goal.
I was quite surprised to hear that Bishop Wright was interviewed last week on The Colbert Report, a somewhat dangerous place for nearly anyone in which to find themselves. In the interview, Wright dialogues with Colbert about Heaven, dogma and other fun stuff. Check it out, Wright is on about the 13:30 mark. (And, Cookie Monster is a surprise guest earlier in the show!)
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He seemed to. I was actually impressed at the unusual level of respect that Colbert showed NT Wright… it seemed that Colbert had actually read, and liked, the book.
And obviously, he likes Cookie Monster, too. Don’t we all?
I was unclear as to which was the Bishop and which was the Cookie Monster. Did Colbert know the difference?