For those of you who would like to see a bit more of what the book Unboxing God is about (and I don’t blame you a bit), I thought I’d at least give you the Chapter titles so you can get a taste of the topics discussed.
Introduction: Becoming Unlost in the Evangelical Woods
Prologue: The God Box—A Short Story
Chapter 1: Born to Wonder
Chapter 2: Wonder | Doubt | Fear | Faith
Chapter 3: Faith & Reason—A Common Sense Approach
Chapter 4: Taking the Bible Out of the Box
Chapter 5: Opening The Bible
Chapter 6: The God Question
Chapter 7: Unboxing the Incarnation
Chapter 8: Whatever Happened to Western Christianity?
Chapter 9: Unboxing the Atonement
Chapter 10: Grace and Salvation
Chapter 11: Unboxing Salvation
Chapter 12: Final Thoughts