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Category Archives: New Covenant Law
The Law – Defining Terms
I had an interesting revelation about the law a couple of weeks ago. It turns out that there are some people have some very, very different definitions for the Biblical word “law.” In The Gospel Uncensored, I tried hard to … Continue reading
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A New Chain?
I don’t read a lot of blogs anymore, Christian or otherwise. In a world where churches are obsessed with “feeding” people, and people are obsessed with “getting fed,” I find that I’m pretty fed up. As a result, I don’t … Continue reading
New Covenant Law: No liability. No guilt. No condemnation.
The Recap: In Romans Chapter 3, Paul makes the following points: Both Jews and Gentiles are under sin. The Law only speaks to those under the Law (Jews). Since the Law only provides knowledge of sin, no one is … Continue reading
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This looks interesting…
As if on cue, the Mockingbird blog is beginning a series called “Why Then the Law?” It looks like it could be interesting.
Posted in New Covenant Law
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