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Category Archives: Good News
A New Chain?
I don’t read a lot of blogs anymore, Christian or otherwise. In a world where churches are obsessed with “feeding” people, and people are obsessed with “getting fed,” I find that I’m pretty fed up. As a result, I don’t … Continue reading
The “Jesus-plus” Gospel
I don’t know who Kevin DeYoung is, or why I’ve run across him so many times in recent weeks. He blogs at a place called “The Gospel Coalition,” and the masthead identifies him as “DeYoung, restless and reformed.” However, he … Continue reading
Posted in Good News, The Gospel Uncensored
Cross theology (vs everything else)
Martin Luther wrote about what he saw were the two predominant theologies that existed, the theology of glory and the theology of the cross. At the risk of over-simplification, the theology of glory includes the belief that our own works … Continue reading
Tullian Tchividjian rethinks spiritual growth
Rethinking spiritual growth Tullian Tchividjian is Billy Graham’s grandson, and pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (founded by the late James Kennedy). A couple of years ago, he discovered that the Gospel is not just for justification. In his article … Continue reading
Posted in Good News, The Gospel Uncensored
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