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Category Archives: Politics/Current Events
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Support Hillary Clinton
I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Democrat. I don’t ever remember voting Democrat–the first Presidential election that I could vote in was when Jimmy Carter was running. Though I liked him as a person, I don’t … Continue reading
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Guns and Dodgeball
I, like many others, were saddened last week by the news of the shootings in Roseburg, Oregon. It didn’t take long before I was also angered by the rush of extremist responses over guns. It seems that for many people, … Continue reading
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Why the Supreme Court is Right about Same-Sex Marriage
Over the past couple of days I’ve read a lot of stuff about Friday’s Supreme Court decision on the Obergefell case. Some of what I’ve read has been thoughtful, but to be honest, much of it hasn’t. I understand that there … Continue reading
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Why I Like Conservatives
Before you read this post, read Why I Like Liberals. Like I said in the previous post, I lean conservative, but I’m not an “across the board” conservative, and am by no means an ultra-right-winger. Of course, a lot depends … Continue reading
Posted in Politics/Current Events, Random Thoughts