I am working on the final work on the book, after a very helpful editing job by Julia Loren. Another couple of days and it should be off to the publisher.
At Julia’s suggestion (with concurrence by some other friends), the book is being renamed The Gospel Uncensored: How Only Grace Leads to Freedom. Everyone seems to like this title much better, and I agree, it’s a bit more catchy, and ties in nicely with the “theme verse” for the book, Galatians 5:1 (It is for freedom that Christ has set us free).
Westbow is doing a Kindle edition. I am studying up on formatting for e-publishing, and will at some point have a version out for Sony and the iPad, among other formats. These will probably be available from me directly, and Kindle and paper versions (both hard and soft cover) from Amazon, and paper editions also from Barnes & Noble online.
I will also be setting up a new website specifically for the book at TheGospelUncensored.com. Of course, stay tuned here for further updates.